The Ultimate Swimwear for Toddlers


Float Suits

One item that’s been essential for Mila is her SplashAbout Float Swimsuit. We have had this swimsuit since she turned 1 but it’s really come into use since she turned 18 months. She is now understanding and learning to trust the floats and for the first time tried swimming solo without holding our hands. Throughout our trip to the Maldives she continued to build up her confidence and is now comfortable swimming in the pool and ocean on her own, with the support of her float suit.

The idea of the Float-Suit is that it’s an alternative to arm bands, allowing them more ease when swimming as their arms are freer. In time, as her legs get stronger and her stamina improves we will remove the floats bit by bit until she is swimming in the float suit - minus the floats, or just a regular swimming costume.

I had a premonition that during our month in the Maldives month she would start swimming on her own. She has always loved being in the water and had recently showed signs of wanting to trying swimming more independently. With that in mind, knowing that we would inevitably be in a pool or the ocean every day, I put it out there that she would be swimming on her own by the end and she was! Call it mamas intuition :)

I would 100% recommend these suits, I had never heard of them before but River was the one who introduced them to me since he had one when he was a child and I’m hooked.

Let me know if you’ve used them before with you child/children? I loved to hear your stories, tips etc.