Dear Diary. Sept ’22.


Mila spent the last week of August with just River and his family in Spain as I had a freelance commitment back in the UK which meant I had to fly back a week early. We were nervous SA may creep back in but this time round we didn’t have any disturbed nights when we reunited - possibly because she was still with one of us rather than neither of us.
We spent September back in the UK, planning the last part of the year, making progress on other freelance jobs we had commitments too and visiting London.
We love London. Rivers from there, We met there and always feel pulled back to there. Each time we take Mila its more special the more aware she becomes. We had such a lovely time staying in 4 different areas of the city she got to see parks, city life, ride the underground and in black cabs. The weather wants always on our side but we truly love it each time we go.

One topic that is always up for discussion in our family is where to settle / where to have a base. Until now we have never missed somewhere to call ours. We’ve loved travelling full time with Mila but every so often we find ourselves imaging a base. Somewhere to call home or to rent out but that we can always come back too The BIG question is, where?

We’re both British and love England so that’s a possibility. Its also where my family are so they could help on days when we are back with childcare for Mila.

We also love Spain, and its where River’s family are. However since the UK decided on Brexit, its very difficult for us to emigrate to a country in Europe as digital nomads.
Another option is Bali. We love Bali having spent 3 months there in the Summer of ’19. Its somewhere we can’t wait to take Mila to and it is a good base for SE Asia / Australasia travel which we’d love to do more of before Mila is school age

If any of you have advice, tips, pro’s or cons we would love to hear them.